What is QIP Accreditation
The accreditation of private dental practices is based on the integration of a set of National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards into everyday practice culture and patient safety. These standards harmonise regulatory requirements passed down by both Federal and State governments, with highlights being the demonstration of clear and evidence based patient benefits when visiting an accredited practice, as well as the sustainable cost structures of a practice.
What this means for us…
Accreditation is an independent recognition that our Practice has met the requirements based on a defined criteria and set of standards that all practices can be judged equally against. Accreditation provides assurance to our patients, staff and everyone associated with the Practice that quality and performance standards have been met and are being constantly evaluated and improved upon. We are committed to providing quality care and safety to our patients and staff, and we are very proud to gain QIP Accreditation.
What this means for you…
When choosing an accredited practice a patient can expect a reduction in clinical and general risks, as well as the peace of mind in knowing that all staff are educated and engaged in the implementation of dental systems and improvement of dental processes within their practice.
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for Dentist’s were adopted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care in 2011. The attainment of these standards means a dental practice has proven to be of the highest calibre in delivering quality patient care within Australia.
We now proudly belong to a new age of accredited dental practices, meeting QIP quality standards of patient care and sustainable cost structures for all patients.