Child Dental Benefits Schedule
If your child is covered for general dental under your private health fund, you will never pay a gap for their check-up and clean appointments with us!
The Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is a dental benefits program for eligible children aged 2–17 years that provides up to $1,000 in benefits over two years to the child for basic dental services.
Benefits for basic dental services are capped at $1,000 per child over 2 consecutive calendar years.
If you do not use all of your $1,000 benefit in the first year of eligibility, you can use it in the second year if you are still eligible. Any remaining balance will not be carried forward at the end of the second year.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule services will not count towards the Medicare Safety Net or the Extended Medicare Safety Net thresholds.
A child is eligible if they are aged 2–17 years, are eligible for Medicare and receive Family Tax Benefit Part A or other relevant Australian Government payments, including: Youth Allowance, ABSTUDY, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment Special Benefit, Carer Payment, Double Orphan Pension, Veteran’s Children Education Scheme, if the child is 16 or over Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (if the child is 16 or over).
Benefits cover a range of dental services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canal treatments and extractions. Excludes orthodontic and cosmetic dental work and cannot be used for any dental services provided in a hospital.
At Budi Dental, we choose to bulk bill treatment claimed under this scheme.
Click here to view the Medicare website and further information